Outdoor photoshoots | Choosing your location
Is choosing the right location for my outdoor family photos important?
It is true that you can get a few amazing images from the most obscure locations. I’ve taken some great shots of my kids finding a corner or a flattering angle in some not very picturesque settings, but I’m making them sit/stand in a specific spot.
You’ve decided to invest in some beautiful family photos so why not pick a stunning location?
These are my reasons why….
It’s a lot nicer if we’re not having to dodge the line of bins in the local park. Avoid the metal fencing, from the corner that’s being maintained or the block of public toilets right in the middle. It’s also great if i’m not having to photoshop out that lovely black lab doing his business in the background of your photo!
Parks are busy. Especially in spring and summer. We can embrace it, but not everyone wants to have ten other families they don’t know in their family photos. Quite often we spend a lot of time waiting for people to walk past so that they are not in your shot by which time little Johnny or Daisy has now fully lost interest in what we are doing and is off patting the black Lab.
Think less manicured lawns and browning cricket ovals but more long grass, wild flowers and rambling wild hedges, cliff tops or beautiful beaches. We are so lucky in Australia to have some truly amazing landscapes.
Let’s find them!
Less freedom. I have to work that much harder to try and put you guys in the perfect spot where we don’t have an ugly building, parked cars, bins or people behind you. I really really want to capture those natural images for you and prefer your children to have free rein to roam wherever they like. Which means that Mum and Dad can relax and enjoy the experience without feeling stressed and like you need to keep your children still and say “smile darling” through gritted teeth! You’d be amazed how much fun you can actually have on a family photo shoot if we make it into a great experience in a stunning setting.
You will likely have a much larger and more varied gallery if we pick an awesome location where I can run around and follow your children with no restrictions. I am often on the floor with the kids or getting very wet whilst they’re jumping waves!
Have I convinced you? I hope so! I have a few great locations up my sleeve but if they’re not in your area I can often find one within 30 mins drive from your home. Or if you have a favourite beautiful spot please show me. I love discovering new places.