Lifestyle shoots | What is a lifestyle shoot and will it help my business?
Yes! is most definitely the answer to that question.
A lifestyle shoot or branding shoot as it’s sometimes known is a photo shoot focused on you and your business, as scary as it may seem showing yourself on your social media and/or website really does make a massive difference.
Five reasons a lifestyle shoot will help grow your business…
People need to see the person behind the brand and that’s you. Potential clients are far more likely to put their trust in your business if they can see and relate to the person behind it. You are asking people to invest in you so it’s important to show your face!
Give your business personality
Put some personality into your business. After all, you came up with the idea and you are the driving force of what you are selling so let people see the real you. Lifestyle shoots are individually tailored and can be fun and creative. I want to make you relatable to your audience and show the magic behind your brand.
Interesting Content
Rather than re-sharing a post from pinterest or another meme. Mix it up a bit with content that is created especially for you. During your lifestyle shoot we can incorporate products and colours from your business or use props that are related to what you do or who you are.
Bring people in
Show people where the magic happens. Give people a glimpse into the behind the scenes of what you are offering. We can do a lifestyle shoot in your offices and incorporate the surroundings of your business into the shoot. Alternatively there are so many amazing locations across Melbourne for hire, many of which have great props or you can bring your own along.
Show your vision
If you don’t have a clear vision of what your brand is how can you expect other people to? By having a clear understanding of your brand and where you are heading we can plan your lifestyle shoot accordingly. The result will be beautiful images that show case YOU exactly as you want to be and that will come across on your instagram feed, website and all other social media content.
So to round up, the one major component that will grow your business is TRUST and this comes from relatability and your clients/future clients seeing the person that they are buying into.
Have I convinced you?! I hope so. Lets get your lifestyle shoot booked in. This is going to be fun!